营销管理系学术讲座2018年第3期(总共41期):The Effect of Empty Space on Choice Deferral


主  题:The Effect of Empty Space on Choice Deferral
主讲嘉宾:关文晶 博士
主 持 人:冉雅璇 博士
时  间:2018年3月23日(周五) 10:30-12:00
地  点:文泉北楼510德鲁克教室
嘉宾简介:关文晶(Canice M. C. Kwan)现任中山大学岭南学院助理教授。她博士毕业于香港中文大学营销系。她的主要研究兴趣十分广泛,包括消费者判断与决策、时间感知、亲社会行为和信息处理。她的研究发表于市场营销国际顶级期刊,如Journal of Consumer Research,曾获得美国营销协会(American Marketing Association, AMA)最佳论文奖。
内容简介:Literature provides mixed findings for the impact of (empty space) on judgments and decision making. Adding to these works, the present research provides evidence in a series of experiments that when the space surrounding a choice set (such as information on a food and drink menu) is substantial, consumers would choose to decide later in hope of searching for new alternatives from a different selection rather than getting more information about available alternatives.