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       时间:周四 16:00   地点:文泉北楼510德鲁克会议室

2023.9.14蒋 俊(硕士)刘晓峰 A Quiet Disquiet: Anxiety and Risk Avoidance due to Nonconscious Auditory Priming
2023.10.12李垚玥(博士)段 珅 Undermining Desire: Reducing Unhealthy Choices by Highlighting Short-Term (vs. Long-Term) Costs
2023.10.26董林康(硕士)郭麦菊 Vocalizing Search: How Voice Technologies Alter Consumer Search Processes and Satisfaction
2023.11.9陈 凯(硕士)项典典 Understanding How Music Influences Shopping on Weekdays and Weekends
2023.11.23付玉婷(硕士)马瑞婧 L'Art Pour l'Art: Experiencing Art Reduces the Desire for Luxury Goods
2023.12.7葛梦琦(硕士)王新刚 Speedy activists: How firm response time to sociopolitical events influences consumer behavior
2023.12.21郭怡麟(硕士)冉雅璇 'Want' versus 'Need': How Linguistic Framing Influences Responses to Crowdfunding Appeals
2024.1.4贺祖浩(硕士)刘晓峰 Words Meet Photos: When and Why Photos Increase Review Helpfulness