2019年经济贸易系文献分享会(春季)将于4月24日晚7点正式拉开序幕。此后平均每两周分享一期,时间是周三的19:00至21:00,地点位于文泉楼北510 德鲁克教室。本季文献分享会安排如下:
序号 | 日期 | 主讲人 | 主 题 |
1 | 4.24 (周三) | 李敬子 博 士 | [期刊论文] Caron, J., Fally, T., Markusen, J. R. (2014) International Trade Puzzles: A Solution Linking Production and Preferences, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1501-1552. |
2 | 5.8 (周三) | 刘 凯 博 士 | [期刊论文] Sequeira, S., Djankov, S. (2014) “Corruption and firm behavior: Evidence from African ports,” Journal of International Economics, 94, 277-294. |
3 | 5.22 (周三) | 何祚宇 博 士 | [期刊论文] Allen, T., Arkolakis, C. (2014) “Trade and the Topography of the Spatial Economy,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1085-1139. |
4 | 6.5 (周三) | 毛海涛 博 士 | [期刊论文] Foellmi, R., Hepenstrick, C., Zweimüller, J. (2017) International arbitrage and the extensive margin of trade between rich and poor countries, Review of Economic Studies, 85, 475-510. |
5 | 6.19 (周三) | 陈清目 博 士 | [期刊论文] Hummels, D. L., Schaur, G. (2013) “Time as a Trade Barrier,” American Economic Review, 103, 2935-2959. |