经济贸易系Seminar 2017年第22期(总第51期):Financing Sources, R&D and Exporting Decisions of Indian Manufacturing Firms


主  题:Financing Sources, R&D and Exporting Decisions of Indian Manufacturing Firms
主讲嘉宾:杨树斌 讲师
主 持 人:吴英娜 副教授
时  间:2017年12月7日(周四) 14:30-15:30
地  点:文泉楼北楼311
内容简介:This study investigates the role of financing sources on firms’ joint decision to invest in R&D and to export, using a panel data of manufacturing firms from India during 2002-2010. We estimate a dynamic bivariate probit model, and find that firms with higher internal financing are more likely to engage in R&D investment and exporting, while the effects of external financing sources are not statistically significant, providing evidence for the pecking order theory. We further investigate the impact of financial reforms in India, and find a weak effect of the financial reforms in reducing the effects of internal sources on exporting.