SBA Holds the First Session of the 5th Faculty and Staff Representative Congress & Faculty and Staff Union Representative Assembly

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-01-09viewed:79

On January 5, the SBA held the First Session of the 5th Faculty and Staff Representative Congress and Faculty and Staff Union Representative Assembly. All leaders, official representatives and faculty members of the SBA attended the meeting, which was presided over by Li Fang, Chairman of Faculty and Staff Union and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the SBA.

Professor Wu Haitao, Dean of the SBA, delivered the 2022 Annual Work Report and 2022 Annual Financial Work Report. The reports pointed out that in the past year, all the faculty and staff have made remarkable achievements in Party building, international exchange and disciplinary construction, talent cultivation, scientific research, faculty development, student work, social service and alumni work. Wu encouraged all the faculty and staff to make further efforts and create more success.


Professor Xiong Shengxu, the director of the Fourth Faculty and Staff Representative Congress, made a report for the meeting. The report points out that in the past four years, thanks to the high attention and correct leadership of the SBAs leaders, and the great cooperation and joint efforts of all the faculty and staff, the Fourth Faculty and Staff Representative Congress & Faculty and Staff Union focused on the fundamental tasks and central work of ZUEL and the SBA, effectively performed all the duties, and wholeheartedly served the faculty and staff. In detail, the first task is to gather public opinion and wisdom, and promote the construction of the Union. The second is to focus on staff services, and foster a happy environment for the SBA. The third is to show the style of the SBA, and help staff strengthen morale. We strove to build a learning, service-oriented and innovation-driven faculty and staff home, play our role in promoting the high-quality development of ZUEL and the SBA, and contribute to the double first-class construction.

The meeting elected the members of the executive committee of the Fifth Faculty and Staff Representative Congress and Faculty and Staff Union.

Wang Hualu, secretary of the Party Committee of the SBA, concluded the meeting. She pointed out that under the guidance of Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the SBA centered on the task of fostering virtue through education and cultivating talent for the Party and the country. All the faculty made remarkable achievements through strenuous efforts. She encouraged the new Congress and Union to implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress. Firstly, we should continue to strengthen the ideological leadership, strengthen the Party building work, and guide the faculty and staff to follow the instructions and guidance of the Party. Secondly, we should improve the level of faculty and staff to perform their duties and teaching tasks. Thirdly, we should enhance the service ability, reflect the voices of the faculty and staff, and protect their rights and interests. Fourth, we should improve ourselves and enhance the vitality of the Union.


The SBA held the First Session of the 5th Faculty and Staff Representative Congress and Faculty and Staff Union Representative Assembly to a successful conclusion.