An Exchange Meeting for School-enterprise Cooperation Between the SBA and JoinTown Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. Was Successfully Held

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-02-27viewed:30

To further strengthen school-enterprise cooperation and exchanges, an exchange meeting for school-enterprise cooperation between the SBA and JoinTown Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company) was successfully held at North 407 of Wenquan Building on February 22, 2023. Wen Xi, the Director of the Employment Guiding Center of ZUEL, Wu Haitao, the Dean of the SBA and Director of MBA Center, Hu Chuan, the Associate Dean of the SBA, Li Fang, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the SBA, Zhao Chenhui, the Chair of the Department of Human Resources Management, Peng Youping, the Director of the Social Service and Alumni Service of the SBA, as well as Guo Lei, the Vice President of the company, He Zhongwei, the President of JoinTown University (a talent policy to recognize, utilize and retain talents of the company), Chen Liang, the Vice President of JoinTown University and Qin Bingqing, the manager for training in JoinTown University, attended this meeting.

The Vice President Guo Lei gave a brief introduction of the company. She pointed out that the company has 31 province-level subsidiaries and 104 prefecture-level branches across the country, with more than 32000 employees increased from only over 300 employees in 1999 when the company was established. However, the company is now faced with several challenges in talents recruiting, talent echelon construction, the digitalization of human resources department and other fields. So she hoped that the school-enterprise cooperation could be further enhanced in the future.

Up next, the Dean of the SBA Wu Haitao also gave an overview of the SBA. He emphasized that the SBA is a school with a profound history, strong school-running strength, distinctive characteristics and great ambitions. The SBA proactively cultivated more ZUELers in business education at home and abroad, following the vision of “building a first-class business school integrating economics, law, and management on the basis of taking a firm hold in south-central China and facing the world”. Besides, he believed that the cultivation of students also counts on their families and the society, and enterprises should also proactively take responsibility of cultivating students. Therefore, he warmly welcomes enterprises to recruit talents in ZUEL to offer ZUELers jobs and internships, as well as hopes to encourage the cultivation of high-quality talents together with enterprises.

After a whole mornings communication, ZUEL and the company has reached a consensus on quite a lot matters, including talent cultivation and school-enterprise cooperation.

At last, the Director of the Employment Guiding Center of ZUEL Wen Xi and Prof. Wu Haitao awarded the Visiting Professor of ZUEL and the Expert in the Advisory Committee of National First-class Discipline Construction for Human Resources Management of the SBA of ZUEL to Mrs. Guo Lei respectively. They hoped that both the two parties could give full play to their respective strengths to jointly innovate the mode of talent cultivation based on school-enterprise cooperation.