The 24th Discipline Construction Conference of SBA Was Successfully Held

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-03-21viewed:21

On the morning of March 18th, the 24th Discipline Construction Conference was held in the Academic Lecture Hall of Wenquan Building where the experience of the discipline development and major construction of SBA was summarized and the development plan of the school in the new stage was deployed to accelerate the Double First-Class construction. Participants included Professor Liu Renshan, member of the Standing Committee of the ZUEL Committee of the CPC and Vice President of ZUEL, Professor Zou Jinwen, Vice President of ZUEL, Professor Gao Lihong, Director of the Office of Strategic Planning, Director of the Department of Discipline Construction and Management, and Director of the Center of Higher Education Research, Liu Zhenghua, Deputy Minister of Academic Affairs and all the faculty and staff of SBA. The conference was divided into three phases, the opening ceremony, discipline development and major construction. The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Hualu, Secretary of the Party Committee of SBA.


At the opening ceremony, Professor Liu Renshan, member of the Standing Committee of the ZUEL Committee of the CPC and Vice President of ZUEL, expressed his sincere congratulations on the successful convening of the conference. He pointed out that at the 75th anniversary of ZUEL, it was an important theme to advance academics and gather talents to contribute to the development of ZUEL. As such, it was of great significance for the School of Business Administration to hold such a discipline construction conference. He also stressed that we should sum up experience, strengthen confidence and resolve for development, and unswervingly work on the new starting point and through the new journey to answer the questions of SBA.


Professor Zou Jinwen, Vice President of ZUEL, approved the important achievements of SBA in the development of disciplines and major construction. He stressed that the competitiveness of the discipline should be continuously improved; the vigor for development of new business should be explored; the modernization of SBA s governance system and ability should be promoted comprehensively so as to  build an international first-class business school.


Professor Wu Haitao, dean of the SBA, delivered a keynote speech titled Promoting the Comprehensive Upgrading of Disciplinary Major Courses Driven by Leading Innovation through Organized Teaching and Research. He pointed out that better organized teaching and research would promote the comprehensive upgrading of major courses with the driver of leading innovation, which would advance the development of SBA and contribute wisdom to national rejuvenation.



The second phase of the conference was presided over by Professor Wen Hao, Associate Dean and Vice Director of MBA Education Center. In this phase, Professor Fei Xianzheng, Associate Dean of SBA, delivered a report on the development of Business Administration first. Then, Professor Shi Junwei, Associate Dean of SBA, gave a presentation on the development of Applied Economics. Then, Associate Professor Wu Yingna, Director of the International Accreditation Office, talked about the progress of international certification of SBA.


The third phase of the conference was presided over by Professor Hu Chuan, Associate Dean of SBA. With the first batch of the four national first-class undergraduate major construction sites of SBA to be accepted in 2023, four major leaders, including Wu Yingna of International Economics and Trade, Deng Yuanjian of Economic Management of Agricultural and forest, Deng Aimin of Tourism Management, and Du Peng of Marketing, introduced the achievements, features, weaknesses and development planning of the major construction.

Wang Hualu, Secretary of the Party Committee of SBA, made a summary at the end of the conference. She pointed out that 2023 would not only be a crucial year for ZUEL to accelerate the Double First-Class construction and the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, but also the year for the acceptance of the first batch of national first-class undergraduate major construction sites. All the faculty of SBA should strive to realize the new achievements of Double First-Class construction and write a new chapter of high-quality development of SBA!