Excellence in Student Achievement Award and Top Ten Youth (Team) Award Ceremony Held Grandly

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-05-11viewed:13

On the evening of April 27th, the School of Business Administration (SBA) held Excellence in Student Achievement Award and Top Ten Youth (Team) Award Ceremony for the 2022-2023 academic year at the Lecture Hall of Wenhui Building on the Shouyi Campus.

The birth of the role models was witnessed by alumni representatives, faculty leaders, department heads, class instructors and all tutors together with more than 200 students. Among those present were Liu Zhao, a 2012 MBA alumnus and the Secretary of the CYLC Committee of Wuhan Procuratorate; Qin Jiao, a 2014 MBA alumnus and the general manager of HumanPool in Suzhou; Chen Si, a 2015 MBA alumnus and the general manager of Noah Private Wealth Management in Wuhan area. In addition, representing SBA, Wang Hualu, the Secretary of the SBA Party Committee; Dean Wu Haitao; Vice Dean Fei Xianzheng; Vice Dean Shi Junwei; and Li Fang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, were also in attendance.

Firstly, Dean Wu Haitao delivered a speech. On behalf of the school, he congratulated the winning teams and individuals, and expressed his high respect and heartfelt thanks to the faculties and students who have been quietly dedicated. He hoped that the students could study hard and work hard to forge the glory of youth and craft the exemplary journey of business students' youth.

Vice Dean Fei Xianzheng and Shi Junwei successively announced the recognition decisions for the “Inspirational”, “Learning Star”, “Yuxian” and “Wenhua” scholarships, as well as the comprehensive recognition decisions, and presented the scholarships and honorary certificates to representatives of the winning students. 

Subsequently, Li Fang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, announced the recognition decisions of the conference and presented the certificates to the winning students.

After the comprehensive commendation, the Top Ten Youth (Team) Award Ceremony began. The event organizing committee awarded the title of Top Ten Youths to the following students: Hou Dianpu from Agricultural Economics and Management C1901, Xie Jiahui from Business Management C2101, Mei Xinyi from Marketing Management C2002, Qi Xiaoyuan from Marketing Management C2002, Pan Yiting from Tourism Management C2001, Jiang Jinli from Economics and Trade C2001, Bao Rongchen from International Trade Economics C2001, Li Xiaozhu from International Economics and Trade C1902 and Shi Jiateng from Agricultural Economics and Management C2001. Representatives of outstanding alumni and class instructors read out the award speeches, while department heads and tutors presented awards to them respectively.

Finally, Wang Hualu, the Secretary of the SBA Party Committee, concluded her speech. She expressed her recognition of the remarkable achievements of the students in the 2022-2023 academic year, and congratulated the winning students and teams. She then urged the young people of the SBA to uphold loyalty to the Party, the sense of responsibility, and the belief of dedication. Additionally, she hoped that the youth can strive for pioneers of the times, and write the chapter of the motherland with their power.