SBA Successfully Conducted the Forth Session of “Responsible Management Class with Mentors”

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-05-11viewed:12

The Responsible Management Course is of utmost importance in fulfilling the fundamental task of cultivating ethical values. The responsible management class has a bearing on the academic direction and overall development of higher education institutions in China and the healthy growth of college students. On May 11th, 2023, the SBA hosted the fourthsession of “Responsible Management Class with Mentors” in Conference Room 506, Wenquan Building. 

Dr. Liu Wentong, Dean of Corporate Management and Master Supervisor, and all postgraduates actively participated in the responsible management class on the theme of The Tiniest Force Can Change the World: Exploring the Force for Good in Commercial Science Research together. The activity was presided over by Zhu Yanping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Associate Dean of Administration at SBAwith the presence of Zhao Yuanyuan, Director of the Postgraduate Work Office, Xu Yiling, a postgraduate counselor and all postgraduates enrolled in the years 2021 and 2022.

Taking the business activities of the company CafeDirect as a case study, Professor Liu demonstrates the company’s responsibility to the individuals and organizations it may impact, working hard to help farmers become wealthy out of goodwill. In contrast, many companies have abandoned their due corporate social responsibility for commercial gain. This shows the need to promote the development of business for good and its social value in commercial science research. Looking ahead, Liu argued that we should critically learn from the mainstream western-dominated management theoretical system and value the historical position of Chinese institutions and culture as an important background for the study of management with Chinese characteristics. Taking Chinese organizational theories and behavioral science as the theoretical foundation, we students should study Chinese management practices by analyzing typical cases, thus establishing a Chinese paradigm.

Based on the Chinese context, Chinese system, and Chinese culture, students should learn to harness the force for good in commercial science research and then conduct related research to explore the concept of responsible business.

Deputy Secretary Zhu Yanping summarized the activity and advocated students remember the mission of commercialscience research, value its importance, and actively develop the force for good, making contributions to the high-quality development of our country.