SBA Top 10 Student: Li Xiaozhu from International Economics and Trade Class 1902

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-07-25viewed:10

Li Xiaozhu is the psychological member of International Economics and Trade Class 1902. She was the vice president of the volunteer association of the SBA and the deputy head of the Mental Health Workstation of the school, responsible for the daily work of mental health education. She has organized and planned three psychological culture festivals and has excelled at all activities of the SBA, gaining widespread recognition from faculties and students.


National Top 100 Psychological Member

2019 Second Prize in the Inter-school League of the Speech Contest for Blood and Marrow Donation in Wuhan, Hubei Province

2022 Top Ten Psychological Member of ZUEL

2021 Outstanding Psychological Member of ZUEL

2022 Outstanding Student Leader of ZUEL

Excellent Student Individual in Organizing Psychological Cultural Festival of ZUEL in 2021 and 2022

2021 First Prize in the “Ritual of the SBA” Speech Competition 

Excellent Volunteer of ZUEL in 2020, 2021 and 2022