SBA Holds Faculty Meeting for New Semester

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2023-09-12viewed:12

On the afternoon of 7th September, 2023, the School of Business Administration (SBA) held a new semester faculty and staff meeting in the conference room 506 North of Wenquan Building, which was attended by all the faculty and staff, and was chaired by the Dean, Prof. Hai-Tao Wu.


First of all, Dean Wu Haitao introduced the new Secretary of Party Committee of SBA, Yu Xiaopeng, to all the faculty and staff, and the teachers warmly welcomed Yu Xiaopeng to join the family of SBA.Dean Wu Haitao then introduced the new faculty and staff one by one, and together with Party Secretary Yu Xiaopeng presented them with a commemorative gift for their joining.


Afterwards, Dean Wu Haitao summarized the achievements of SBA in the first half of the year, including teaching and research projects, teaching and research awards, professional curriculum construction, student training work, hosting (organizing) meetings and other achievements. Dean Wu Haitao also pointed out the current shortcomings of SBA. In view of these shortcomings, he proposed to take the construction of the integration-oriented school as a hand, and enhance the social influence by setting up cross-scientific research and innovation teams, carrying out organized teaching and research, continuing to promote the action plan of internationalization, and taking the 75th anniversary of the university as an opportunity to unite the strengths of all walks of life and integrate the resources of running the school.