SBA Conducted the 27th Microclass for Counselors

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2023-10-27viewed:22

In order to strengthen the construction of counselor team, on the afternoon of 24th October, the School of Business Administration (SBA) carried out a micro-class for counselors in the North 307 conference room of Wenquan Building. All undergraduate counselors and newly hired part-time counselors and community counselors attended the activity. The activity was hosted by Li Fang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of SBA.

On behalf of SBA, Deputy Secretary Li Fang warmly welcomed the new part-time counselors and hoped that they would get to know each other and learn from each other through the microclassroom. Gao Xiaoyuan from the Academic Affairs Department suggested that counselors should focus on goal guidance and sustainable development in their daily work and affairs management. Guo Xiaoyi from the Party Committee's Student Work Department proposed the 3+2 project, which is a multi-directional program to improve personal ability and comprehensive quality. He Qiang, head of SBA's psychological workstation, introduced the story and summarized the 3T principle of situation provision and the 5S principle of situation standard.

SBA combined with the caliber of work to do a good job of student thought leadership and growth services, through the counselor microclassroom to promote the counselor team building, and better promote the healthy development of students and growth and success.