The 10th Student Representative Conference of SBA

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2024-05-24viewed:10

On 23rd May, the 10th Student Congress of School of Business Administration (SBA) was officially held. Before the start of the official meeting, Zhao Chentong, member of the 26th Student Union, presided over the preparatory meeting, and students Lin Wanluo and Yang Shiqi made the Report on the Preparatory Work of the 10th Student Congress of the School of Business Administration (SBA) of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) and the Report on the Examination of Qualification of the Representatives in the 10th Student Congress of SBA, respectively.

After the singing of the Song of the League, Zhu Yanping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of SBA, made a guiding speech and a message and proposed that the league and academic organisations of SBA should provide young students with platforms and carriers for self-consciousness, autonomy, and self-nurturing growth, so that the young students can blossom their fiery youth in the practice of student work.

Zhao Chentong, a member the 26th Student Union, made the Report on the Work of the 26th Student Union of SBA. Yang Shiqi read out the List of Candidates for Student Representatives and Permanent Representatives of SBA to Attend the Thirteenth University Student Representative Assembly, and all the representatives present voted and announced the list of elected student representatives and permanent representatives on the spot.

After the four candidates Chen Weihao, Du Guoyu, Jiang Yuqi and Shen Xin'er finished their presentation, all the representatives judged the candidates fairly. Under the supervision of the scrutineers, each student representative went up to the stage to vote in turn, and the tellers counted the results in public.

Finally, Mr He Qiang, the secretary of the Youth League Committee of SBA, announced the List of the Presidium of the 27th Student Union of SBA, ZUEL, and drew up the proposal that Shen Xin'er, Chen Weihao, and Du Guoyu formed the Presidium of the new Student Union.

The conference comprehensively summed up the achievements of the student union since the ninth student congress of SBA, and elected the Bureau of the Student Union of SBA for the 27th session, striving to write a youthful chapter for the modernisation of Chinese style.