Build Dreams in Tu Town: Summer Volunteer Teaching Team Returns

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2024-07-18viewed:10

Addressing the educational needs of left-behind children in rural areas is crucial for implementing China's rural revitalization strategy, promoting balanced development, and building a strong modern socialist country.

On 3rd July 2024, the Finance and Business Teaching and Dream Builders Volunteer Team of School of Business Administration (SBA) went to the middle school of Tujiazhi Town, Ezhou City to carry out teaching activities, and actively undertake the mission of the youth, undergo the refinement and growth of talents in practice at the grassroots level, and combine the logic of the bottom layer of finance and business and expansion of the cross-discipline with the goal of comprehensive development to solve the problem of education balance and contribute to the revitalization of rural areas.

1. Building Connections in Tu Town

In order to promote mutual understanding between teachers and students and enhance class cohesion, the volunteers carried out an ice-breaking class in the first class, which included a light-hearted self-introduction, a game of grabbing numbers, and the election of class committee members, etc. The class allowed teachers and students to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and to learn more about each other's hobbies and interests, personality characteristics, and other basic information, which laid a good foundation for subsequent teaching and learning activities.

Safety education is the cornerstone of campus security. After a cheerful ice-breaking class, Ms. Yu Xintong brought a safety education class to the students. As summer is a high season for drowning, Ms. Yu Xintong focused on drowning prevention, in addition to home safety, traffic safety, campus safety, kidnapping and fraud prevention, and drug safety. Through the safety education class, students realized the seriousness and universality of safety issues and cultivated their safety awareness.

Ms. Yu Xintong brought the Be Your Best Self psychology class to the students. Students worked in groups to make drawings and discussed the logic of the story of the drawings, which was expressed as a story with a beginning and an end, and then the students from other groups explored the intention of the story and the author's thought of creation, so as to know themselves and understand others in the activity.

2. Basic Courses

Mr. Wang Chenxi introduced the life stories, spirit, achievements and historical impact of the outstanding historical figures of ancient China, Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei. Through storytelling, watching documentaries and interaction, the students were able to know the historical figures and think about the contribution of these heroes to the development of history, thus stimulating their interest in history and shaping their correct values of life.

Introduced by a classic clip from the movie The Pianist, Ms. Tian An enriched the students' vocabulary by introducing the history of World War II and teaching simple long sentences. This English lesson not only promoted the theme of peace and development of the times but also filled in the gaps in the students’ English learning and broadened their horizons.

3. Featured Courses

At present, financial education is still vertically concentrated in the higher education stage, with a large gap in the compulsory education stage. The degree of deepening, structuring and systematization of financial education is seriously insufficient. This practice team chooses rural primary and secondary school students as the target of financial education, to change the backward concepts of wealth and poverty of the rural people from the ideological perspective, and to make them accept and agree with the concept of financial education.

Mr. Zhang Hao introduced the knowledge of game theory in financial education to the students in an easy-to-understand language. Life is a game everywhere, and the students shared their understanding of game thinking in rock-paper-scissors, debate and chess. Finally, Mr. Zhang led the students to play a classic investment game, deepening their understanding of game theory through three rounds of investment.

Ms. Chen Xiaomeng introduced the concept of financial management to the students, corrected their misconceptions about financial management, and emphasized the importance of financial management through real-life examples. Finally, Ms. Chen introduced a variety of financial tools to the students and organized interesting financial games. By learning financial literacy, the students learned how to manage money, changed their misconceptions about money, and increased their awareness of wealth management and financial intelligence.

Sign language, as a special language, is spreading throughout the society. Ms. Huang Zizi brought a unique universal sign language class to the students, hoping that they could learn more about the special group of deaf people. Ms. Huang led the students into the silent world by teaching the basics, vocabulary, sentences and classroom teaching tests, so that this beautiful language could sow the seeds of kindness and love in their hearts.

Ms. Yan Mengye introduced a brief history of Chinese weapons, focused introducing the traditional cold weapon crossbow to the students so that they could understand the characteristics of the appearance and functional features of the crossbow, and then taught them the origami skills of the crossbow through videos, pictures, and on-site demonstrations, etc. Finally, she distributed the origami materials to the students, so that they could apply what they had learned with their own hands. In the process of handcrafting, the students deeply experienced the excellent traditional Chinese culture and further implanted the excellent cultural genes of the Chinese nation in their hearts.



After one year, the summer volunteer teaching team started again, arrived at the middle school of Tujiazhi Town, and were welcomed by enthusiastic children. Two days of teaching life passed by in a flash, but we look forward to returning next year to continue our mission of bringing quality education to rural areas!