Marketing Management Class of 2024 -2025 Semester Sharing Event Schedule

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2024-10-14viewed:12

Time: Thursday 16:00p.m. Location: Room 603,North, Wenhuan Building

DateSpeakerReviewing TeachersSharing Literature
2024.09.26Tang WenlongWang XingangUnintended effects of algorithmic transparency: The mere prospectof an explanation can foster the illusion of understanding how analgorithm works
2024.10.17Liu YuLiu XiaofengPrice Competition in a Channel Structure with a Common Retailer
2024.10.24Huang RiyunZheng YuRefund Psychology
2024.10.31Zhang WenhuiWang LuDeveloping Strengths or Remedying Weaknesses? How Perceived Social Mobility Affects Parents
2024.11.07Chen YilinLiu XinyanSocial network analysis in business and management research: A bibliometric analysis of the research trend and performance from 2001 to 2020
2024.11.14Lin JieyuJiang YiranNo Comments (from You): Understanding the Interpersonal and Professional Consequences of Disabling Social Media Comments
2024.11.21Bi LiangyingDuan ShenDigital Therapy for Negative Consumption Experiences: The Impact of Emotional and Rational 
2024.12.05Cao TongRan YaxuanAffording Disposal Control: The Effect of Circular Take-Back Programs on Psychological 
2024.12.19Chu XiaowenXiang DiandianIn Goal Pursuit, I Think Flexibility Is the Best Choice for Me but Not for You
2025.01.02Liang YupeiZhang TingIdentities without Products: When the Preference for Self-Linked Products Weakens
2025.02.27Lv MengyuMa RuijingWhen Connection Turns to Anger: How Consumer-Brand Relationship and Crisis Type Moderate Language on Social Media
2025.03.13Ma NilinWang XingangSymbolically Simple: How Simple Packaging Design Influences Willingness to Pay for Consumable 
2025.03.27Pan ShuoxinJiang YiranTypography Talks: Influencing Vintage Anemoia and Product Safety Perceptions with Vintage 
2025.04.10Wang JiabinLiu XiaofengGiving against the odds: When tempting alternatives increase willingness to donate
2025.04.24Wang ShuailongRan YaxuanBMW is POWERFUL, Beemer is Not: Nickname Branding IMPAIRS Brand Performance. Journal of Marketing 
2025.05.08Wei JiaxingDuan ShenMachine Talk: How Verbal Embodiment in Conversational AI Shapes Consumer–Brand Relationships
2025.05.22Xiang LiziZheng YuGift Giving in Enduring Dyadic Relationships: The Micropolitics of Mother-Daughter Gift Exchange
2025.06.05Zhu YuhanGuo MaijuAppearance for Females, Functionality for Males? The False Lay Belief about Gender Difference in Product Preference
2025.06.19Zou MengtingXiang DiandianBuying Future Endorsements from Prospective Influencers on User-Generated Content Platforms
2025.06.26Zou YongjianZhang TingWhen Sharing Isn’t Caring: The Influence of Seeking The Best on Sharing Favorable Word of Mouth about Unsatisfactory Purchases